Friday, February 18, 2022

Author's Journey - Marketing part 1


Post by Doris McCraw

writing as Angela Raines

The author's journey, keep on going.
photo property of the author.

I hope to do at least one quarterly post about marketing. Hopefully the information I glean from the marketing department where I work, or other sources will be of use to some of you.

I am starting with what we call a content calendar. I try to begin with a calendar that lists holidays for that month. The one below was available online. I also note if the month has significance. For example, March is National Women's History Month. These pieces of information are the baseline I will use as I schedule the various posts, both blog, and other social media.

Once I print the below calendar, I fill in the days where blog posts are scheduled. Next, I will note the days for social media. If I have a bookversary or new release coming soon, I will tie those pieces in with the holidays for that month. 

I do not post 'marketing' pieces, ie. where I ask people to buy my book. Instead, I work to develop relationships or followers who like what I share. Most know my passion is history, women's history, Colorado History, the Old West, philosophy, and of course, Authors. Therefore, if it is an original post, it will usually be one of the above subjects.

Hopefully, this will help you as you continue your author journey.


  1. Thank you, Doris, for your thoughtful input. Marketing is a constant struggle for most of us. Personally, when you're giving advice, I'm listening. You always offer something helpful.

    1. Thank you, Mark. It's not a one size fits all, is it? It's more like cooking a meal. We put in what we like and leave out the rest. Doris

  2. Nik James/ Jim and NikooFebruary 19, 2022 at 9:29 AM

    Thanks, Doris. Having written a lot of romance novels, we’ve been stumped about how to market our books to Western readers.
    Romance readers are online and eager to interact with authors and other readers. It doesn’t appear that this is so with Western readers.
    So we’re so grateful for any suggestions.
    Your posts are always interesting and enlightening.

    1. True. I do think there are many women like me, who love the adventure aspects of the Western, and of course, any 'love' interest. Sometimes you can get interaction and new readers by adding some 'slants' that draw them in. At least that's been my experience.

      I'm glad you found some of this helpful. Doris

  3. Thanks, Doris. I've found the only way to get new readers is one at a time--interact with them somehow, interest them enough to try a book, and maybe you'll hook them. There have to be better ways (like landing on the Today Show, having a movie made, etc.) but those are outside our control. I look forward to your posts on this.

    1. Jeff, it is a journey, that's for sure. I've found some things I've tried that work for me and others that were a bust. Still, I keep trying because this is important to me. LOL Doris

  4. Doris, as always, a good post! I try to follow this plan myself and develop conversations and relationships with readers instead of spamming them with "Buy My Book" posts. Looking forward to the rest of the series here!

    1. Thank you for the encouraging words. My thought was, I'm in a situation where I get to learn some of these marketing skills so why not share what I learn with those who don't have the options I have. Doris
